Black Hole-developed PC RTS Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is marching to battle this autumn, but in the meantime we're being treated to new screenshots and footage - and information - from the forthcoming title.

The new media and details that have been released focus on the Empire, the human faction featuring in Mark of Chaos and "frontline defenders against the chaos invaders from the north", it says here. What the latest information amounts to is a fleshed-out explanation on several of the units attached to the Empire military power, and we've posted this information as received below...

The Jade Wizard unit
Jade Wizard: The Wizards of the Jade Order Study the Lore of Life that lies under the province of the Third Lore of Magic, which is called the Wind of Ghyran. Jade Wizards are, of all wizards, the most attuned to nature and the least likely to be found within the confines of cities. They love nature and living things. Their studies teach them about the harmony of nature and the balance between all living things. Because they are so closely tied to the power of nature their own powers tend to wax and wane with the seasons, being vigorous in the spring, most powerful in the summer, waning over the fall to become weakest over winter.

The Pistolier unit
Pistoliers: Pistoliers are nobles' sons who are not yet old or experienced enough to win their spurs as Knights. In battle, they outflank the enemy and disrupt its lines with sudden hit-and-run attacks. Being rather young and inexperienced, Pistoliers are inclined to be hot-headed and rather wild, bravely dashing into the jaws of danger where a more experienced warrior might bide his time. The armour and weapons carried by a Pistolier are provided by his family.

The Mounted Griffon unit
Mounted Griffon: These are wild and dangerous creatures that hunt from the tallest crags of the northern Worlds Edge Mountains. Brave adventurers seek out their high nests and steal their chicks to raise in captivity. Only in this way can a Griffon ever be made tame enough to allow anyone to ride it, and even then they are temperamental and ferocious beasts.

General Empire screenshot
Captains: Captains are seasoned heroes within the Empire army. Although rare, they can be seen riding upon griffons leading their men into battle. Tales of their heroic actions are well known throughout the Empire and they are often sought out because of this. Often leading regiments, the Captains inspire the men in combat and use their extensive knowledge of command skills to turn the tide of battle leading the Empire to victory. The Captain is easily spotted with elaborate armour and some of the finest weaponry.

The Warrior Priest unit
Warrior Priest: Sigmar is a warrior god, and his clergy are Warrior Priests. Sigmar, in His divine all-seeing wisdom, knows that there are many unseen and supernatural evils and horrors, which beset mankind, and so channels His own divine power through His Chosen priests. The soldiers of the Empire, trusting in their faith, can withstand and turn back the tide of enemies that assail them, needing only to hear the priests reciting the Deus Sigmar to inspire them to heroism. But it befalls the Priests to contend with the foe on the spiritual and magical planes and this they do with prayers and invocations, almost equal in potency to the spells of Wizards, and with the strength of their unflinching minds.

We're promised that Warhammer: Mark of Chaos will offer epic real-time strategy battles while staying faithful to Games Workshop's fantasy universe.

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