Up until now the meagre drip drip of screenshots have been all that's required to get RTS fans excited, but once today's massive Command & Conquer 3 trailer streams its way across cyberspace, Marks & Spencer is going to flog more than a few pairs of trousers to excited C&C loyalists.

Along with some nostalgic GDI menu-shuffling, today's trailer gives us our first glimpse of Tiberium Wars in action, and unsurprisingly the game looks just as impressive in motion. Big Mammoth Tanks, screeching Orcas, rockin' rock music; it's all enough to induce a mild RTS heart-attack. In fact, we think we need to go and lie down for a moment.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is out sometime next year but stay tuned to CVG this week when we'll bring you the massive first look at the Nod faction, live from the Leipzig Games Convention. And if all goes well, maybe a certain goateed-dictator will turn up as well. We can but dream.

Trailer Here