Update: SEGA has dated and priced all versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. The iPhone and iPod Touch versions will arrive first on 7th October; PSN and XBLA versions on 13th October; and the Wii version on 15th October.

Episode 1 will cost a tenner on the PS3 Store and 1200 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360. Wii owners will need to fork out 1500 Wii Points.

Original story: Microsoft has revealed a 13th October release date for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on Xbox Live Arcade.

Confirmation came from the company's UK PR Dominic Carey. "ZOMG! Sonic 4: Episode 1 dates for October 13th on Xbox LIVE. Bring it on Robotnik (*sigh* Eggman)," he tweeted.

SEGA has yet to respond.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 takes the series back to 2D, back to its roots. It's fast and crisp and colourful. Unsurprisingly, then, we've liked what we've seen.

Sonic 4's also in development for PSN, Wii, iPhone and iPod Touch.