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Thread: Nintendo deploys Battalion Wars 2 info

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Nintendo deploys Battalion Wars 2 info

    Nintendo announced Battalion Wars 2 (or BWii) for Wii at its conference at the Games Convention in Leipzig earlier today and we now have first information on the title.

    Here's the scoop on BWii's plot: Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles are tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, and so they launch a pre-emptive strike on the Coral Atolls. War has broken out. Again.

    In a bullet-point breakdown, Nintendo's informed that the tactical action game features over 20 single-player missions and 15-plus multiplayer missions, lets players drive tanks, command ships, pilot plans and direct troops, features five new naval units - battleship, frigate, submarine, dreadnought and transport - and provides "intuitive, all-action gameplay" thanks to the Wii controller.

    In addition, we're told that the game's three multiplayer modes consist of Assault (described as "instant combat"), Skirmish ("tactical depth") and Co-op ("work with friends"), and that the Wii sequel boasts greater tactical depth courtesy of the ability to capture facility buildings to re-spawn units and to use Map Screen Commanding "to order from afar".

    And that's your lot at the moment. Keep eyes peeled for first screenshots touching down shortly.

  2. #2


    This sounds like a great strategy game for the Wii. I could see how the wii mote would work nicely by just pointing the troops where to go. Multiplayer would also be alot of fun. I hope Pikmin comes out on the Wii.

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