A tour promoting HD DVD is launching in September, and Microsoft will be providing its Xbox 360 + HD DVD combo as an example of the experience. Looks like a sign of confidence that the HD DVD extension will be on par with other HD DVD players -- whether the price will also be on par has yet to be seen.

Here are the tour dates:
September 14 - 17: Denver Colorado Convention Center
September 22 - 24: Dallas Plano Balloon Fest (Texas)
September 29 - October 1: Minneapolis, MN
October 5 - 6: Chicago, IL
October 10 - 15: New York, NY
October 20 - 22: Washington, D.C.
October 26 - 28: Philadelphia, PA
November 2 - 4: Richmond, VA
November 15 - 16: Los Angeles, CA
November 24 - 28: Seattle, WA
December 6 - 10: San Francisco, CA
In other news, the HD DVD players outsold Sony-backed Blu-ray players by 33% during their respective launch windows, according to NPD.