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Thread: 63% of gamers believe console firmware updates make TVs 3D

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Forum 63% of gamers believe console firmware updates make TVs 3D

    A study by Interpret has revealed that consumer awareness may be a barrier to widespread adoption of 3D in the home.

    63 per cent of console owners (from a pool of 1500, surveyed online) claimed to believe that a firmware update was the only step necessary to enable 3D gaming, Interpret's Michael Cai revealed at GDC Online (as attended by Gamasutra) yesterday.

    This suggested awareness of the necessity (at present, at least) for a 3D TV and stereoscopic glasses was not as high as it could be.

    Similarly, 83 per cent of all surveyed consumers believed all 3D technology required glasses, suggesting understanding of the Nintendo 3DS was not universal.

    Some 13 per cent of those consumers thinking of buying a new TV within the next year would 'definitely' buy a 3D set, while 10 per cent definitely wouldn't. This left 77 per cent unsure to some degree.

    Of those that wouldn't, 46 per cent (again, from a starting pool of 1500, reduced to however many were considering a new TV in the next year, and then down to 10 per cent of those) named the hassle of 3D glasses as the major obstacle. 69 per cent, meanwhile, blamed the price of 3D TVs.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    No surprise. I'm on and we get a lot of stupid posts about 3D games being a gimmick and sucking. And of course the peeps that are saying that don't own any 3D gear.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro
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    and three out of four people are 75% of the population.

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