One of E3's surprise announcements was that Coded Arms - Konami's good idea, not-so-good execution PSP shooter set in a virtual world - would be continuing on PS3 in 2007. Sony's super-machine seemingly let Coded Arms Assault play to its concept's strengths, with whole Tokyo city blocks shimmering into existence among hails of sparkling pixels and gunfire.

We've just received the latest round of shots, showing that the game is still covering the screen in as many real explosions and virtual Matrix-style code effects as it can manage. Sadly, some of the more striking enemies shown in the E3 trailer, such as eerie stilt-walking attack robots and helicopter gunships dropping off assembly lines of troops, aren't present.

We hope it doesn't become too much of a corridor-and-box-room shooter - something the original on PSP was guilty of - but it seems Konami is keeping many of the game's secrets away from prying hackers' eyes. At least those showers of sparks and glittering special effects can enliven even the grimmest of warehouses, as players of PC gunfest FEAR will attest.

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