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Luckluka offers a Win32 application that allows you to patch the file Dev_Flash this on your PS3 and to authorize the launch of the original PS1/PS2 games.

This patch only works on the PS3 backwards compatible (4 USB ports) and in conjunction with the jailbreak.



- A PS3 for the Jailbreak
- The file from your PS3 DEV_FLASH
- Firm's JaiCraB Loader v0.3

Step 1: Log on your PS3 via FTP and retrieve your file dev_flash
Step 2: Move your file and dev_flash nXMB in a new folder (not the folder contents DEV_FLASH but the directory itself).
Step 3: Open nXMB and let it make the patch
Step 4: Copy the contents of your dev_flash on your USB / USB HDD
Step 5: Run Firm USB Loader on your PS3

Your console will mount your USB / USB hdd as dev_flash.

You will not see "Install Package Files" but you can run your original PS1/PS2 games and you'll also have access to your memory cards.