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The gnuboy is a gameboy / gameboy color emulator, and now it’s ported for S60 5th edition. This was mainly made for the people who asked for gb / gbc support for gpsp. It was much easier to make by compiling a new emulator for S60 ;-)

There’s no support for SE / Samsung. However it could be added by implementing the DSA changes described in my blog post.

I have to admit that this is still quite unfinished. I pretty much ran out of time. The N8 is coming and I want to start optimizing all my emulators for Symbian^3. Finally getting to use the new graphics architecture, real MultiTouch etc. I’m sure you all know what I mean ;-)

gnuboy menu
know issues:

•No audio
•SE and Samsung phones are not supported, sorry
•the auto frameskip option sucks, try to adjust it by yourself
•it’s quite unfinished, waiting for my N8 ;-)