Hi All,
I have been looking evey where without finding any answers so i was hoping someone here might be able to help me.
I have a psp-2003 (serial number HB0319655) and am trying to hack it.
i have made a magic memory stick and have "bought" a panodoras battery.
when i put in he pandoras battery nothing happens and when i plug in a power supply to it it doesnt seem to charge and is not seen by my psp (under battey info on psp). i have tryed pressing it into get it to connect better, tryed cleaning the motherboard battery pins & used serval methods to try to get it to charge with no results.
So i thought the battery must be a dud but i took my pandoras battery to my friends psp-2003 (newer then mine) and tryed to charge it with his psp and we got an orange flashing light, so that shows it works? so why isent it seen by my (older) psp?
I would be grateful if someone could get back with an idear asap as i am stuck!