BioWare's upcoming fantasy role-playing game Dragon Age 2 will feature a downloadable content platform similar to Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network.

It's all part of EA's Project Ten Dollar plan: those who buy the game brand new will gain access to bonus content those who buy second hand have to pay for.

"We will be doing that," executive producer Mark Darrah told Joystiq. "We haven't announced what's in it, but it'll definitely be something kind of in that Cerberus vein where there will be additional content."

Meanwhile, Darrah assured fans that DA2's DLC will be better than Dragon Age: Origins'.

"What we're doing with the DLC in Dragon Age 2 is making it larger; so it'll be bigger teams, more unique environments, more unique creatures - so that it gets the attention it deserves to get."

Earlier this month BioWare announced that those who pre-order Dragon Age 2 before 11th January will receive a free upgrade to the game's Signature Edition.

The Signature Edition includes a download code for an additional playable character, new missions, the game's soundtrack and an exclusive digital armoury.