Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski took some time out of his busy schedule recently to chat to the BBC about Gears of War and a host of other gaming subjects.

Among the topics covered in a half hour interview was the evolution of gaming. Asked where he thinks the medium is headed, he said: "I think it's going to a connected world, honestly.

"The next generation of video game consoles might just be things that are like the iPad, where you take your pad with you and when you're at the pub you can play a simpler version of the game and then when you bring it to the house you plug it in a docking station and it pops up on your large TV and you take your traditional controller and you play the more traditional game.

"And then this connects to people's mobile phones so you have maybe a social element; and you do whatever you can to create what is essentially a second life for users who want to seek out that fantasy world and experience."

Bleszinski didn't say it, but it sounds a little like the cross-platform functionality Microsoft's trying to achieve with Xbox Live over Xbox 360 and Windows 7 Phones.
