"It Only Does Everything," says the PS3's ad campaign. But how many users actually know how to take advantage of all of the system's features out of the box? With PS3 increasingly positioning itself as a be-all entertainment device, Sony is forced to confront the XMB's clutter of icons, which may be befuddling mainstream consumers.

PSN director Susan Panico told us that Sony is currently "creating educational videos that will be a great welcome kit for people that are coming to the PS3 and the PlayStation Network," which aim to "really walk them through all the advantages you get from the PlayStation Network," including the store. The videos "will answer questions like, 'How do I have Netflix movies stream on my PS3?' And it will certainly talk about original content available," Panico noted, referring to PSN productions like The Tester and Pulse. "That's something that's really important to us -- to make sure people understand from the get-go how to find all this great content."

While many of the details are still being ironed out, the how-to videos will appear both on the web and on the XMB. "Primarily, it's going to be content that you find very easily on PlayStation.com, as well as on the console itself," Panico said, though "we haven't decided where it's going to live on the XMB." Presumably, it'll be in a prime position, lest Sony find itself posting a "How to find the how-to videos" video.
