Recently, we caught up with Peter Dille, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, to discuss the subjects of delayed games, the upcoming launch of the PlayStation Move, the PSP, and he feels about the position of the two platforms, from the standpoint of third-party game support and success.

The PSP has a strong line-up of Japanese series including Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy, and Persona. While the handheld is thriving over there, in America the PSP seems to be struggling even though those games are coming over here. What do you think is the missing element, aside from trains.

[Earlier in an unrecorded chat, Dille mentioned how the success of PSP in Japan is in part due to people commuting via trains and playing the system during the ride.]

You know, we have sold 66 million worldwide. There is a big install base of PSP owners here. I think one of the things that have limited the business that I didn’t talk about in the room earlier, but which is a reality is piracy. That has limited a publisher’s ability to make money on the platform because it is a hacked platform. There is a lot of piracy, I’m sure you’re familiar with some of what’s going on. If you aren’t, you can find sites selling pirated games.

That’s something we’ve been trying to combat for awhile, but that’s not the only reason. It’s now in its sixth year and it’s typical for these devices to migrate down in age, so that’s where our focus is.

Now, the other thing that we’re doing is taking content, perhaps, from other markets or even other platforms. You know taking a PsOne product and bringing it over to the PSP platform. One of the cool things about the [PlayStation] Network is you might have an opportunity to make a game for your reader or core gamers that doesn’t have to go through mass market distribution.

A game that you could put on the PlayStation Network can find its audience because there is unlimited shelf space. Even if retail is saying this won’t do the number of turns I need, the audience isn’t big enough at the big box retailer it still might be something they can sell online on the PlayStation Store. We’re trying to encourage publishers to make sure they exhaust their internal catalogs and content and keep that on the platform as well.