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The work 6.20 HEN (TN) is enhanced by a further episode. In this episode, our developer (or to use a neologism "deveroe) Total_Noob, as is often the best superheroes, is facing criticism from the people. But to quote Uncle Ben in the movie Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility" * and continued undaunted in the creation of his masterpiece, although someone has pointed out as a liar. The criticism stems from what has been learned with the previous news, where there has been talk of an alleged dell'HEN porting from 6.20 to 6.31 with the consequent abandonment of the project. Never was most unfortunate news for both as was shown by both the limited knowledge Total_Noob dell'anglosassone idiom by the developer, which makes it difficult to clearly express their ideas. But the issue seems resolved.
TN is currently devoting exclusively to the 6.20 dell'HEN waiting to be made about the future, and it is working really well, making it more of a hybrid between a Homebrew Enabler and a custom firmware. The last published list of improvements is a manifestation. Among the powers of her child to see the appearance of the battery charging via USB, the implementation of the Fake Region, the ability to set the CPU speed and many other small but important features and improvements.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, one of his most powerful allies, the coder Wololo constant vigilance on the activities of TN defending a drawn sword, and adds the welcome news that the developer dridri continues in the development of a new ISOLoader. But the time is not ripe yet to know if it can be easily adapted to the new HEN.
The plans for the Liberation of the PSP and we shall look forward to an exciting new episode.


Changelog 7/11/10:
- Reversed systemctrl all exports
- Added USB battery charging
- Added ability to watch 480x272 video avc
- Added feature to skip gameboot
- Added possibilty to hide and PIC0.PNG PIC1.PNG
- Fixed issue with VLF Some homebrews
- Added possibilty to Adjust CPU speed
- Added fake region feature
- Added Network TN update
- Resolved all important NIDS
- Encreased homebrew compatibilty
- Compressed rebootex

We thank you for reporting shadow_95

* The original phrase is: With Great Powers Comes Great Responsibility. It is not ruled by the uncle of Peter, but appears simply to close the first issue of Spiderman. Later, however, be attributed to Uncle Ben.