News via

Hello friends! I’m glad to report that (as mha reported earlier) we’ve surged past 600K installs of the HBC, worldwide.

We’ve always believed that the HBC is a valuable tool for development, especially with the convenience of being able to use Wiiload to load code over the network. Some of those 600K users out there have written us to say that they are Licensed Developers ™, and have reported that recent versions of the Hackmii Installer have been able to install the HBC on development hardware (NDEV, RVT-R and RVT-H) using e.g. Bannerbomb. We have taken pains to write code that can install in as many environments as possible, and to our knowledge, our code is generic enough to work on development hardware and to load binaries produced with Nintendo’s tools (on any hardware); if this isn’t the case, please file a bug (e.g. on our bug tracker).

We are once again planning to be at CCC with a table downstairs in the Hackcenter, and we hope many of you will stop by to say hello!