News from Lik Sang

Monolith Soft's popular Xenosaga series debuted in Japan back in 2002 and is well known for its incredible storytelling. Now with the decision to end the epic tale in the third episode, developers have made every effort to let the bright flame of this RPG trilogy go out with a bang to be remembered. While the Japanese version has been available for a while already, the English-speaking world can now fully embrace the rich narrative that Namco offers fans of the series, as the highly anticipated US release is in stock now. More than eight hours of movies and voiced cut-scenes, an updated battle system, customizable skill sets for characters, shops to trade items in, an extensive mini-game system, creation of your own maps and lots of other new stuff make Xenosaga III - Also sprach Zarathustra a worthy closure of a magnificient saga. By the way, if you feel like catching up on earlier Xenosaga titles on the go, we do recommend checking out Xenosaga I & II, which is a remake of the PS2 prequels for the Nintendo DS in one awesome, revamped compilation.

More info and screens at link above