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Privateer: Ascii Sector is a free remake / demake of the classic game Privateer.

Quote: - November 3rd, 2010
- Fixed bug that caused the "division by zero" crash that was fixed in the
last version (this fixes the cause of the crash, the previous fix just
avoided the actual crash).
- Fixed bug with characters on a base also appearing on board your ship
when you landed after having boarded a ship.
- Fixed bug with automatic destination nav point change if a fleet that
you had previously selected as your destination leaves the system.
- Fixed pirate Talons that had cargo but no cargo hold.
- Retros spawned on board ships are now also purple instead of white.
- Added mouse scroll wheel support for selling stuff at the equipment shop.
- Added news filters to the Quine. - November 1st, 2010
- Fixed bug with "invisible" ships (ships that were no longer active but
would still block weapons fire and other ships).
- Fixed "division by zero" crash when trying to determine whether or not a
fleet should attack a new fleet that has just started construction (and
therefor has an offensive strength of zero).
- Updated the manual with the new name and logo.

0.7 - October 31st, 2010
- Fixed bug that caused Gun Boosters and Gun Coolers on the rear turret of
capital sized ship to not be removed when sold.
- Fixed bug with locking of missiles when flying a capital sized ship.
- Fixed the player´s inventory weight carrying over from the previous game
when starting a new game.
- Fixed bug with moving stuff from backpack to locker.
- Fixed non-visible parts of walls sometimes being drawn.
- Fixed bug with jump distance from Loye to Baranda.
- Fixed bug with a ship sometimes jumping outside of the jump point if it
was attacked while charging for the jump (and also ships landing far away
from the base/planet, if they were attacked while landing).
- Fixed bug that would allow you to transfer 90 units of cargo to a pirate
ship when it should only be able to hold 60.
- Fixed bug with walking diagonally into the cargo terminal by using left +
down and the player not being repositioned correctly when exiting the
cargo terminal afterwards, leaving a "ghost" of the player on the
original tile.
- Fixed bug with scrolling through missions on the nav computer using Home
and End when you have a quest mission.
- Fixed some cases of ´reverse´ scrolling with the mouse wheel.
- Fixed combat mode not auto-engaging if you knock a gun away.
- Fixed Confed and Militia ships scanning you for contraband even though
they´re hostile towards you.
- Fixed NPCs spawning inside hotel rooms (again!).
- Fixed bug that allowed NPC ships to fire Dumbfire missiles in quick
- Fixed issue with weapon selection if the weapon in your right hand is a
Kilrathi Gun or Rifle.
- Fixed issue with not being engaged to my girlfriend. I now am.
- Wingmen shouldn´t get involved in dogfights with friendly ships because
of accidental fire as often anymore.
- Improved friendly fire checks so that only weapons fire from a hostile
ship will impact a target. This applies to the player´s AI controlled
turrets as well.
- Added persistent fleets that can move around, change control of systems,
engage enemy fleets, head back for repairs and rebuilds, and so on
(currently only the Confeds and Pirates have fleets, but the Retros and
Kilrathi will also get fleets in future versions).
- Randomly generated ships are now based on the factions controlling the
various systems as well as some other factors. The control of systems is
displayed on the system maps in the Quine and nav computer.
- Swapped the faction colors of Militia and Retros: Retros are now purple
and Militia are white. This is in preparation for Retros having fleets
and taking control of systems and white not being a good color for
showing system control on the maps.
- Changed game name from "Privateer: Ascii Sector" to just "Ascii Sector".
- New icons and logo. - June 29th, 2010
- Fixed bug with tile visibility when launching in a capital sized ship.
- When firing an automatic weapon, you now only get to aim once before
three shots are fired.
- Added DontMove quest ship order. - June 28th, 2010
- Fixed bug that would cause the casino ship to turn pirate if you came
from Bellamy pirate base, boarded the casino ship and left again.
- Fixed invisible barriers on Tranton.
- Fixed bug with a scooped Kilrathi pilot from a "bounty hunting" mission
not being removed from the passenger manifest when killed.
- Fixed bug that could cause Ship Dealers to leave the shipyard.
- Fixed bug when there is dialogue for more than one quest character in a
- Fixed bug with spaces (´ ´) in quest images.
- Fixed various bugs with the initial placement of "transport" mission
characters on the player´s ship.
- Fixed bug with ElectroCuffs not being dropped on the ground when a
captive dies.
- When you enslave or release a captive, the ElectroCuffs are now placed
in your backpack.
- A bit more tweaking of the commodity market.
- NPCs should stay out of your $#@!pit now.
- Dogfight Kills and Combat Kills statistics renamed to Destroyed Ships
and Characters Killed.
- Killing an ejected pilot floating in space is now counted as a character
kill and will decrease your standing with the relevant faction.
- Added an intro, an epilogue and a single cutscene image to the Kilrathi
Hunt example quest.
- Quests can now have different Achievements to achieve. Details in the
updated Quest Maker´s Manual.
- Reworked how tile visibility is determined. - June 12th, 2010
- Fixed bug that could cause the game to freeze when using the inventory
(the game would think there was a quest being played and check for
unexisting trigger events when picking up or dropping items).
- Fixed issue with the old Quine4000+ not being upgraded to the 5000
model when loading an old game.
- Fixed bug with a kill from a hand grenade not being registered if
nobody saw you throw the grenade.
- Fixed bug with the weight of a grenade not being subtracted from your
total weight when throwing it.
- Fixed bug with not being able to walk onto a tile with a corpse that
was sitting on a chair.
- Fixed bug with a quest item not being removed correctly after a quest
is done if the item is in the player´s backpack or locker.
- Fixed bug with cargo being spawned on a retro Talon.
- You can now sell stuff from your locker at the equipment shop.

0.6.6 - June 10th, 2010
- Fixed bug with a transfer procedure still completing even though it´s
interrupted by hostiles.
- Fixed bug with stunned NPCs acting as witnesses and calling for help.
- Fixed bug with EMP Torpedoes not homing in when fired from a capital
sized ship.
- Fixed bug with Kilrathi ejecting from a mission ship.
- Fixed bug with a scooped ejected pilot being placed on the same tile as
another NPC.
- Fixed bug with the equipment locker on a boarded Demon: Only the
player´s ship has an equipment locker now.
- Fixed bug with commodity items reappearing in the exchange if you save
the game while still using the exchange terminal.
- Balanced the commodity market prices to make trading more profitable:
When a commodity is produced at a base, the price will never go above
the index price, and if a commodity is consumed at a base, the price
will never go below the index price. Also increased price variations
between imports and exports. And when you buy/sell in bulk, each unit
is now priced the same. Had to remove the "Sell all" button or this
could be abused.
- Added top imports and exports information in the Quine5000 for each
base you´ve visited (under Sector > Trade).
- The Quine5000 is now the default computer in the game -- the old
Quine4000+ has been retired.
- You can no longer delete a mission where you still have to collect
- Added ShowImage quest trigger result for showing cutscene images.
- Added ASCII drawing program for making quest cutscene images (you can
find it by selecting Quest Maker from the main menu).
- Added five new systems.
- Added seven new bases.

0.6.5 - May 20th, 2010
- Fixed New Frankfurt data file bug.
- Fixed minor bugs with course charting in the Quine and nav computer.
- Fixed bug with pathfinding of fleeing NPCs causing the game to freeze
on a very small base.
- Fixed bug with increased movement time when burdened.
- Fixed bug with inventory weight not decreased when you use up all ammo
in a clip, when a vest or helmet is destroyed, or a weapon is knocked
or shot out of your hand.
- The casino guards now also check for weapons and armor in your backpack
before granting access to the casino.
- Increased casino security.
- New quest scripting functions: characters can be placed on ships;
quest items can be given weight; optional SpawnCharacters function to
control how many random characters to spawn on a quest ship when
boarded; PlaceItem trigger result replaces PlaceItemOnBase and GiveItem;
new Docked, Boarded, FactionAttitude and DistanceTo trigger events; new
BoardPlayerShip, LeavePlayerShip and BoardDockedShip character orders,
as well as Faction attribute for quest characters. Check the updated
Quest Maker´s Manual for details. - May 12th, 2010
- Fixed bug with the MoveTo quest script ship order.
- Fixed bug with NPCs spawning in locked hotel rooms.
- Fixed bug (maybe!) that sometimes caused the game not to ask if you
wanted to dock with a disabled ship.
- Fixed bug with the locker on board the Demon.
- Decreased the distance from nav points required to engage autopilot.
- Overhaul of the maps in the nav computer and the Quine5000. You now
click-and-drag the quadrant map and you can chart a course through
multiple systems (clicking on a system will automatically chart a
course to it, or you can chart a specific course by clicking on
consecutive systems while holding down SHIFT). - April 25th, 2010
- Fixed bug with inventory weight when capturing and releasing an NPC.
- Fixed bug with a character you have to transport not being able to find
a path to your ship.
- Slowed down the walking speeds of NPCs when not in combat mode.
- Commodity events no longer happen at naval, pirate and research bases. - April 25th, 2010
- Fixed bug with faction of ejected pilots.
- Stuff in your backpack can now be sold at the equipment shop. - April 24th, 2010
- Fixed a serious bug when buying and selling stuff from the equipment

0.6.4 - April 23rd, 2010
- Fixed bug that caused a rescue ejected pilot mission to be failed if
you landed in the same system as the ejected pilot before rescuing him.
- Jump Drives cannot be completely destroyed anymore.
- When jumping, the jump sequence is no longer synced to the music, so if
you have a high speed setting, there´ll be no more waiting for the
music to finish.
- NPCs now belong to a faction, so killing a merchant on board his ship
will decrease your standing with that faction, just like destroying his
ship will.
- The game now keeps track of how many NPCs you´ve killed in person and
this is shown in your Quine under Stats.
- Added a backpack for carrying more stuff.
- Added a locker on board your ship for storing your stuff.
- Stuff now has weight and the more you carry, the more time it´ll take
to move around (the first 20 kilos don´t slow you down, though).
- The NanoComp Vest now offers the least protection of the three vests
in exchange for being the lightest.