While everyone was over the moon at the announcement of a next-gen 360 exclusive PES 6, and then possibly also sick as a parrot as it wasn't quite so exclusive, it's easy to forget that the game has prospered for many a long year on what many PES aficionados consider its ultimate platform, the PS2.

The reasons are many and varied, but ultimately our footy experts are agreed it's actually all down to the Dual Shock controller, which so far, has provided the ultimate interface for playing Seabass's annual magnum opus. Of course, this may all change in the next-gen incarnation, but we've spent so many halcyon days on the PS2 version of PES, even the prospect of a next-gen version can't deflect us from what we consider its real home platform.

But enough waffling from us, what you really want to see is PES 6 in action on PS2, so here's a fresh array of shots from our recent session with the game, showing amongst other things ex-Man Utd hitman Ruud Van Nistelrooy banging one in for Holland, Italy's World Cup star Luca Toni unleashing a fierce volley against Argentinean opposition and Michael Owen surging through a packed Dutch midfield (good luck with the op this week fella).

Nice, and in case you missed them first time around, you should also direct eyes right to check out our recent exclusive shots of new England skipper John Terry making his debut in the game. Only a month to wait now before PES 6 arrives - and there goes a whole year of lunchtimes all over again.

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