Imported versions of Activision's Call of Duty: Black Ops are likely to be banned in Germany this week.

According to a report by the German website Schnittberichte, the Federal Department of Media Harmful to Young Persons (BPjM) received an urgent action to ban the Austrian version of the game last week.

Although a censored version of the game is available to buy with a USK 18 rating, independent retailers have imported the Austrian version of the game rated by PEGI - and enjoyed a brisk business. sells both SKUs, with the PEGI version proving more popular in pre-orders.

The BPjM would not discuss the ongoing case with Germany, but indicated a decision would be made on Wednesday.

Any ban would cover all international versions of the game and could affect imports from UK retailers and mail order companies into Germany.

Activision made heavy cuts to the USK 18 version of the game - which will remain on sale - by removing rag-doll effects, blood spatter and a torture scene.