Games created for the new 3D displays will allow developers to reach more consumers.
That's according to SCEE's Mick Hocking, who has in his Develop in Liverpool keynote argued the case for the relevance and importance of 3D game development to all modern studios.
"We can make more games more accesible with 3D," insisted Hocking, speaking in a conference session titled 'Seeing is Believing: 3D a New Creative Medium for Games'.
"Doing things like the way we've used Move combined with 3D in Tumble makes a game more natural and more accesible, which will be great for welcoming more people to your games."
Hocking also used his keynote to counter the common argument that 3D in games is little more than a gimmick that offers little gameplay benefits. "With 3D, unlike other mediums film and TV, we can interact and innovate in far more ways," he said, highlighting a number of improvements 3D brings to gameplay, such as giving players more accuracy of control and timing, and a greater sense of space, height and distance.

"3D is not just about adding depth to a game; its a new creative medium with which game developers can work".
Touching on the challenges of developing for 3D, Hocking did warn that pre-rendered cutscenes realised in 3D will require 50 per cent extra storage pace.
He also said studios must not only retrain developers in the finer points of 3D, but also educate their creative services, QA and marketing staff to better understand what makes good 3D.
Concluding, Hocking said: "I really would urge you to start converting your game into 3D now. We're here to help you and can help with training."
In a session dominated by triple-A titles displayed in 3D, he also predicted that in just a few years 'all games' will be in 3D.