Have you ever applied for a job at the Apple Store, only to be rejected for some unknown reason? Well, if the CrApple Store blog is any indication, you may have dodged a bullet. CrApple Store is a blog dedicates to shedding light on the inner workings of the retail side Apple. The identity of the blogger is still a mystery, mainly it would seem, because they are still employed at an Apple Store in the UK.

The CrApple Store states, “It began with a list of reasons why working for Apple Retail is f***ing sh**, and just spiralled (sic) out of control. I couldn't keep it inside anymore, and so have decided to share the hate with the rest of the world.” The blog paints a very different picture from what we have come to expect from Apple. CrApple goes on to say what a soul-crushing experience it is to work for Apple and has gripes with other Apple employees such as Specialists and “the holy Genius team.” Apparently
