A while ago, I emailed the iEdge team about the a possible update for DSi Firmware 1.4.1;

and there Reply was
The R&D team have been informed concerning the new DSi firmware 1.4.1 and up , They are working on it and a release should be available in our download section soon. Please visit our web page for more information.

Thank you for your support and patience.


Regards - EDGE Tech

----On Wed, 29 Sep 2010
Then around min-November, their website said a new bootstrap will be released soon,

And now IT'S HERE!
(a week ago)

But Also included is an update to the iEdge Operating System!

Changes include:

Numerous game compatibility fixes
Fixed minor sound glitches with several games
you can get a copy at the Downloads page:
http://www.edge-ds.cn/download.html :thumbup:

or GBA temp's "embeded" version:
