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We joyfully praised the launch of RetroManiac issue 1 a few months back and the team have now published issue 2. So, how does this issue fare? Well, the production qualities haven’t changed, which is good, as they are truly excelent. The team clearly have a designer who knows how to produce a finely balanced editorial/image production, taking advantage of the digital functions of the format, including superb use of anchor links on the contents page.

The cover feature, Sonic 4 Episode 1, is given the headline slot in the reviews section, where it was also nice to see some homebrew games featured as well. We’re still not sure about a couple of the Retro Gamer style regular articles – you know, the two-page spread screenshot with a squashed editorial to one side. And come on guys… a Spanish publication using a Sega Genesis cover art image of Sonic the Hedehog? However, we forgive you, because this is a quality piece of work, definitely the best ezine currently publishing, but pretty please produce an English translated version.
