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Thread: Windows 8 to lead new PC gaming push?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    IRC Chat Windows 8 to lead new PC gaming push?

    Microsoft is planning to use its forthcoming Windows 8 OS to relaunch its beleaguered PC gaming service, according to a source close to the platform holder.

    An insider told TechRadar that, "Windows 8 will represent a real new push into PC gaming. Gaming will be a key component for the whole OS."

    This proposed new dawn could be a long way off though. The new OS isn't expected to see the light of day until at least 2012, and little information has been shared as to what it will actually offer.

    Still, news that Microsoft has hired former Hewlett-Packard VP founder Rahul Sood should come as a further sign that it's getting serious about the platform again.

    The Voodoo PC founder, former Microsoft critic and longtime desktop gaming devotee will start soon as "general manager for system experience in the interactive entertainment business".

    Nope, we've no idea what that entails either, but according to his blog, Sood "will be working on some really... really... really cool stuff come January 2011".

    Well Rahul, we'd say it'll need be really... really... really... really cool. You'll have a mammoth task catching up with Valve's hugely successful Steam portal and winning gamers back to Microsoft's unloved Games for Windows set-up.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    please, MS cares about PC gaming as much as they care to have all their employees use Iphones.

    MS will say anything, but they wont' do anything.

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