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Thungbard directed " MegaStopwatch "clock in the colors of the Nintendo DS for Megaman. Registered gaming to the DS Dev Nintendomax Competition 2010 .

My App Is A classic themed Megaman Stopwatch. Currently about 98% Functionality Of The fully-IS working.

- Standard Stopwatch: start / stop and reset counter counter
- Race Watch: saves up to 20 times if you're participating timing ou autres has marathon race.
- Lap Watch: saves up to 20 lap times for year Individual
- Egg Timer: let's you set a timer from 1 second to 99 hours
- Metronome: Beats per Minute from 1-399, not sure Why'd you'd Ever Need Something That fast.
- Saving / Loading: 5 Slots to store Save The State of Any Of The Above stopwatch functions.
- Configuring Button: Lets you assign "any button On the DS to be your Start / Stop and Reset Buttons are top of the Touch Screen controls.

The 2% That Is not Working yet Is The Basic Clock, Which Should not Be difficulty at all to finish.

Which leaves me With just a week to Work Under The Graphic Which is Currently Mostly missing are everywhere. Actually I do not expect Anything to Win, I just really Needed last week and a stopwatch WAS too cheap to go and buy one, so I figured I'd make one, and while I'm at it, I Might As Well Give it has theme. If anyone has "any suggestions for what else could" Possibly you want from a Stopwatch, that'd be great.