A number of Xbox 360 owners have reported suffering console failures shortly after buying Kinect.

According to the BBC, users are blaming the motion sensing peripheral for new instances of the dreaded red ring of death - although the possibility that their systems could have red ringed anyway obviously looms large.

"We plugged it [Kinect] in the day we got it but only played it a few times before we got the red lights," Adam Winnifrith told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours.

"The next day when we tried it again we still had the red rings of death and haven't been able to use it since."

Online gaming forums are carrying similar stories.

"I have never had a single issue with my Xbox," one poster wrote. "i got Kinect for Christmas and the screen starting freezing randomly. Then on New Year's eve... BAM I got the red ring. Very sad."

Another read: "Yep, I got the Red rings of death on Christmas day The very same day my kids got a Kinect."

Responding to the report, Microsoft denied any link between Kinect and Xbox 360 failures.

"There is no correlation between the three flashing red lights error and Kinect," the firm said in a statement. "Any new instances of the three flashing red lights error are merely coincidental."

Microsoft claimed last month that its 2011 will "ultimately be all about Kinect" - as the device spearheads a "brilliant" line-up on 360.
