Seeing accessories designed for 3DS is almost as cool as seeing the 3DS, right? We hope so, because we've got images of new 3DS accessories by Mad Catz. For CES, the company has revealed a line of accessories for the glasses-free 3D handheld including the lunchbox-like, $20 Traveller Bag, designed to hold a system, two styli, and up to 21 games, and the $13 Microsuede Slipcase, a smaller, plush case for the device. Other 3DS accessories not pictured include screen protectors and styli, about which you can find more details after the break.

The manufacturer also unveiled new Wii controllers: the $35 Reactor and $30 Reactor Plus are new takes on the Wiimote, with the Reactor Plus including MotionPlus built-in. Both will also be available in "Micro" versions for the same price. a "Reflex" Nunchuk-alike will also be available.