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Owen offers us his version 1.38a rail shooter in 3D, "Newo Shooter".

Version 1.38 - January June 2011

* 2 levels (City Asteroid Field) Score, Level Start, Title Screen and Ending Screen
* Enemies now drop power ups (yellow = weapon upgrade (4), green = santé, white = free life, white = useless)
* Still No Models, Sounds or Music
* Purple Mid-Boss (probationary stops Until Killed)
* Basic particle effects
* GRRLIB example in background plasma.
* New destructible objects, Ground plain, clouds, grass, smoke animation, gravity, death spiral
* New HUD: Your Health Bar is Green. Health Is The Enemy meter of color and The Enemy Is In The Center.
* Blue boxes of course IS end marker
* Improved frame rate, added on screen counter