Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that the company is planning a more consistent release schedule for the 3DS, hoping to avoid gaps in the portfolio that could harm momentum.

He admitted that with past DS and Wii launches hardware sales slowed when the release schedule thinned out, and he doesn't want a repeat of those problems when the console begins shipping in Japan next month.

"It's important that you be able to supply software with no pause," said Iwata to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, as reported by Andriasang.

"With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We're making plans so that this type of thing won't happen."

Over the weekend Nintendo revealed that of the 4 million units it intends to manufacturer for the financial year ending March 2011, 1.5 million are earmarked for Japan, while the other 2.5 million will be split between Europe and the US.

The system will cost ¥25,000 (£194) in Japan, with European and US prices and dates to be announced next week.

On launch week in Japan there will be only one first-party game for sale - Nintendogs/cats - with more releases staggered through the spring including updates in the Zelda and Pilot Wings franchises, Star Fox and Kid Icarus in summer and Mario Kart, Paper Mario and Animal Crossing later in the year.