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I haven’t been posting as much lately but here is something new I’ve been working on. I know I start too many new things but new is interesting and I assure you that I will eventually be going back and updating That Other Space Shooter, Neo Race, Cubicle Shooter, Neo Tanks and all my other stuff. I’ve actually already made a few improvements to That Other Space Shooter and I’ll probably post that sometime soon.

The Untitled Project is (or will be) a sandbox (massive and open ended streaming city) science fiction (think cyberpunk not space opera) RPG.

The setting and a few other things are different but it is in a way a spiritual successor to what The world Drowns would have been. This time around though I’m just doing all the art assets myself.

Use the left analog stick to move
right analog stick to move
X to jump
left/right on the directional pad to turn on/off a test texture
up/downt on the directional pad to increase/decrease the draw distance

The demo will occasionally freeze when loading. I know why it does this and will be correcting it soon.