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Free Heroes2 Engine is a free implementation of Heroes of the Might and Magic II engine using SDL.

SVN - up to r2241

+ Fixed: artifact: crystal ball level
+ Added: game: localized maps support, add iconv support
+ Update: Spell::RandAdventure
+ Fixed: game: update shipmaster cursor, upgrade monster button, dialog thievesguild reset cursor, hidden campaign button
+ Update: world: passable objects

Jan, 20, 2011

+ Fixed: pocketpc: show army info dialog
+ Fixed heroes: auto move hero after battle
+ Fixed: heroes: restore spell points
+ Fixed: heroes: switch combat formation
+ Fixed: heroes: restore spell points
+ Fixed: heroes: ActionToBoat
+ Fixed: castle: area detect
+ Fixed: castle: open mage guild
+ Fixed: castle: GetArmy with guard hero
+ Fixed: battle: reflect wide troops attack
+ Fixed: battle: Roc and Ghost hit animations
+ Fixed: battle: update ghost attack priority
+ Fixed: world: Arena visit, update visit wide objects
+ Fixed: world: artifact "crystall ball" action
+ Fixed: game: high score window
+ Fixed: game: cursor for shimaster

+ Added: game: localize maps support, add option: "maps charset ="
+ Added: world: customize sec. skills for Witchs Hut
+ Added: world: disable spells support (spells.xml)
+ Added: world: artifacts.xml customize value
+ Added: options: "heroes: pickup artifact + info dialog"

Jan, 12, 2011
+ Added: update translations
+ Fixed: heroes: disable auto move for hero vs monster
+ Fixed: pocketpc: change monster and update resource bar
+ Fixed: battle: attack castle heroes

Jan, 11, 2011
+ Fixed: ai: patrol mode
+ Fixed: castle: necromancer shrine building
+ Fixed: battle: disable luck animation with bless mode (and reverse)
+ Fixed: battle: skip pickup artifacts for retreat/surrender result
+ Fixed: battle: double cell attack for wide troop
+ Fixed: battle: for genie damage abil.
+ Fixed: battle: unicorn blind
+ Fixed: pocketpc: castle dialog
+ Fixed: world: attack to castle with two hero (guest and guardian)
+ Fixed: world: attack few monsters, first monster attack
+ Fixed: world: allow attack from temple
+ Fixed: world: Windmill wood resource
+ Fixed: world: monster count with custom value
+ Fixed: world: initial spell book for barbs and knights
+ Fixed: game: global hostkeys
+ Fixed: heroes: action to sphinx
+ Added: pocketpc: drag drop scroll
+ Added: pocketpc: castle guardians support
+ Added: castle: flash curent building
+ Added: options: "heroes: after battle move to target cell"

Dec, 15, 2010
+ Added: new ttf fonts
+ Fixed: battle: auto battle switch for all players
+ Fixed: battle: simple animation for lightning spells
+ Fixed: battle: bridge animation
+ Fixed: battle: castle walls redraw
+ Fixed: battle: wide troop move
+ Fixed: battle: end game with damage spells
+ Fixed: battle: bless spell exclude good luck, and curse spell exclude bad luck
+ Fixed: battle: genie damage - if genies can kill all then his ability will disabled
+ Fixed: passable for "Lean To" object
+ Fixed: mageguild: click info
+ Fixed: save GUI positions
+ Fixed: heroes visiting objects

Dec, 08, 2010
+ Fixed: disable save binary for loaded game
+ Fixed: WateringHole action
+ Added: hero to castle guardians feature
+ Fixed: spell name width (Armageddon and other)
+ Fixed: AI patrol mode
+ Fixed: battle turn orders
+ Added: show game settings from game

+ Added: new option "fonts small render" and "fonts normal render"
+ fixed: battle order troops move
+ Added: random move for hero with patrol mode
+ Added: "buy all monster" to castle well dialog, (work with option "buy from well")
+ Fixed: bad luck message
+ Added: store puzzle orders to savefile
+ Fixed: ultimate artifact puzzle image (remove objects)
+ Fixed: goodluck sound for battle
+ Added: heroes sleeping mode (default key: z)

+ Fixed: patrol mode, with Kingdom::ApplyPlayWithStartingHero
+ Fixed: event maps for protection tile (first will be a battle)
+ Fixed: battle blind spell (clean after tower attack and damage spell)
+ Fixed: gameover conditions (defeat/loss hero)
+ Fixed: windmill resource (remove wood)
+ Fixed: archers damage with castle walls
+ Fixed: battle attack for wide troop
+ Fixed: battle info damage range correctted
+ Added: 900 ms delay for battle info popup, open log window with last message currently
+ Added: battle luck animation (rainbow)
+ Added: ANDROID build support

Nov, 24, 2010
+ Fixed: castle dialog: resource bar redraw
+ Fixed: bugs #3113888 empty treasure chest, fixed GameResult::CheckGameOver for load game
+ Fixed: redraw gamearea with non standard display size
+ Added: popup damage info for battle
+ Added: wait button for battle interface, also added list logs
+ Fixed: fix sphinx meeting
+ Added: Battle::Speed gui settings
+ Fixed: objects quickinfo dialog
+ Added: numpad keys support
+ Updated: AI update, AI strength update
+ Fixed: AI wins and game over
+ Fixed: marketplace dialog
+ Fixed: crash, empty army after ai::meetings