Even before Apple debuts its second-generation iPad this year, some are predicting tablet sales to be so heavily dominated by the Cupertino iDevice maker that competitors will have an almost impossible challenge trying to catch up. On Friday, Barclays analyst Ben Reitzes said Apple's tablet is "running far ahead of its tablet competition and its their game to lose," noting that Apple will likely sell a record number of iPads in 2011.

According to coverage provided by Barron's, Apple is effectively running away with the ball in this game, despite having not even set up an enterprise salesforce yet. But Apple is “listening to enterprise customers.” As a result, Reitzes concluded in his conference call with a research analyst at Forrester Research that Apple is the clear “winner in the consumerization of IT,” adding that Forrester’s work "supports the view more and more corporate users are buying devices and bringing them into work.”

Reitzes, who maintains... [Read More]
