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Here is a new contestant for the Genesis Competition, a plugin manager for Homebrew Enablers (compatible with TN Hen and Hen Pro) by 5h4d0w, which is very useful (especially if you’re lost with the plugins system on some recent Homebrew enablers). To quote the author himself:

Works on 6.20 TN (?) and 6.35 PRO (which don’t have recovery menus)
You can enable and disable plugins without a computer.
Can add, edit, remove, toggle, and move plugins in all three .txt files.
You can revert your changes by pressing [SELECT].
Gives the option to auto-exit from the app once you save your changes.
Allows you to decide which options are available (by editing the config).
(example: you give a friend your PSP for a while but don’t want him messing with your plugins, so you disable what you don’t want him to do.)
Nice pop-up menu.
Can be “themed” (by editing the config).
Will strip-out any empty lines in your text files, making them look cleaner.