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The genesis competition started a few days ago, and entries are starting to come in. We’re getting impressive stuff. This plugin by Draan allows you to change the text of your XMB on the fly. There are many ways to use this plugin for customizing your XMB, but the main intended goal is to allow you to translate your XMB into a language that the PSP does not support by default. (For those who want to know, there are around 6800 languages in the world, and a PSP on OFW supports 12 languages, that is, less than 0.2% of the total…)
A major good point of this plugin is that it doesn’t require any specific theme, or rco manipulation. It is also theoretically compatible with any theme. It is very easy to use and I was able to get my PSP 1000 to display a polish XMB within a couple minutes.
As an example, Draan provides a Polish translation of the XMB (translation courtesy of krzychuuu and Erokesha) that you can play with. I’m sure some of you will start to add more languages to this awesome homebrew… or maybe just start to have fun and replace bits of your XMB here and there.