News via nmax

relminator provides an update of " Easy GL2D DS 'graphics library C + + to develop games for the Nintendo DS.
* glColorTable() has been deprecated since the release of libnds 1.5.0.
Because of the it, stencil effects are not possible w/o some hacks so I just disabled it altogether. However, rendering sprites in any palette is a lot easier now since palettes are automatically managed by libnds.
* You also need to tell libnds what VRAM bank you want allocate for
texture palettes. See the example files.

Update 02/17/2011
* Code overhaul for libnds 1.5.0 compatibility
* Added 2 parameters to glSpriteLoad() and glSpriteLoad()
* Fixed the examples to reflect changes
* Doxygen generated reference
* Bug fixes(reported by Enay, Mhaun, Alex Sinclair, etc)

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