News via AEP
The 1964 derivate 1964mod has been updated.

1964mod v1.4.1(beta) quickfix v5 is released
quickfix v1 - sync E version rom speedup to U version rom speedup
quickfix v2 - adjustment target ~5-10fps with ~25-33% VI/s speedup
* quickfix v3 - fix UI bugs & refactor codes
quickfix v4 - fix loss of texture caching capability after 1st game run
quickfix v4 - fix random flashram / sram missing saved game (read Announcements)
quickfix v4 - fix Banjo-Kazooie jerky display during speedup (experimental AI interrupt codes)
* quickfix v4 - enhance MyGlide64 (read FAQ)
quickfix v5 - (hopefully) fix the random crash when rom is closed caused by quickfix v4
update MyROM_Properties.ini to v2.4
users are advised to download latest quickfix rarfile
* users are advised to download the latest "1964mod.exe fix" immediately (crash fix)
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