Microsoft has begun freeing up old unavailable (dead) Gametag names so that new users can register them again.

A 'dead' Gamertag refers to Gamertags that have previously been used but are now defunct and unavailable - which will soon be unlocked by MS for new registrants in no particular order.

"Starting today, we have begun the process of making previously used and unavailable (dead) Xbox LIVE Gamertags available," says Major Nelson.

"This process will take some time to complete, and no we can't tell you when the Gamertag you want might be available. If you are interested, you should check back regularly as we are reviving Gamertags daily."

If you find something you like, you can either sign up for a new account or change your current Gamertag name.

"Sign into Xbox LIVE and go to the My Xbox channel, then select Change Gamertag. From here you can either choose from the random name generator, or you can enter a specific Gamertag to see if it's available."

The Major reminds you that changing your Gamertag doesn't affect Gamerscore, Achievements or friends list. But it will affect your wallet - it costs 800 MS Points (£6.80) or the same as a fair few decent games on XBLA.