In this week's mailbox we delved into the archives and found a letter that is sure to resonate with a few people out there.

Xbox World 360 reader Mark Montgomery runs into a few problems online due to colour blindness and asks if Microsoft could do more to accommodate colour blind gamers

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I was bought an Xbox 360 Elite for Christmas and I am now officially a 'gamer'. (I was a mere button tapper before but this console has given me a promotion!) The games look simply incredible - especially COD4, Halo 3, Bioshock and Gears of War.

However, being colour blind I am having a few problems on Call of Duty 4. It's really tough to tell whether I'm blending in or not, while picking out Tangos has also become a little bit of a chore.

However, the major problem is on Xbox Live. The Gamertags of all the players are either green if they are on your team, or red if they are an enemy. Fine, yeah? Unless you can't distinguish the two colours, that is.

This makes playing near-impossible at times. For instance, I took up position next to a soldier in a window because he had a sweet spot overlooking the street - only for him to show me the wrong end of his bayonet. Turned out he was a bad guy!

Red/green colour blindness is common and I'm sure I'm not alone, but maybe we could get some kind of downloadable patch to change the colours to something a bit more user friendly for peeps like myself.

Also, it'd be interesting to see if anyone else is having problems like this and which games are affected. Colour blind gamers of the world unite!

XBW says: Hmm, tricky little problem that Mark, and though we have the greatest sympathy for your plight the long and short of it is that you've got little chance of seeing a fix any time soon, beyond hiring someone to shout out the colours as you play.

CVG says:We understand this is a big issue and hope that Microsoft is paying attention, there's more than enough people being vocal about it online.

It doesn't help that XBLA puzzle games such as Peggle and Chime have become so popular. We can't think of a reason for why this might be a problem for Microsoft. Keep e-mailing them and hopefully they'll get the message.

Also we'd like to apologise for using Microsoft's new greytroller as the image for this feature. It just makes sense.