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Thread: Metal Gear Solid 4: New trailer

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    ps3 Metal Gear Solid 4: New trailer

    This brand new trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4 showcases the insane skills of Solid Snake's most imposing enemies ever, the weirdly leggy cyborg assault drones.

    We're still not sure if it's blood the drones leak, or just oil - or even which would be worse - but the sight of one of these monsters high-kicking a soldier dead is at once disturbing and thrilling. Go hit the movies tab and see the carnage for yourself.

    If you missed the previous clips - which we also have nestled in our MGS4 video library - this trailer gives a stripped down heads-up on the game's plot and Snake's new mission. Liquid, the boss from Metal Gear Solid on PSone, has gained control of a private army big enough to challenge America's own military might and Snake must do everything he can to stop a new World War.

    Trailer Here

  2. #2


    I can't wait this game :P

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