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A new version of XBSlink has been released, it's an application that will allow you to play system-link enabled multi-player Xbox360 games over the internet with homebrew 360s [note: also works with PS3/2 consoles].

What's new/fixed (since v0.8.5.0):
* XBSlink now runs on Mac OS X (run as root, “sudo mono XBSlink.exe”)
* fixed deadlock on updated check during startup
* fixed app not shutting down properly when no ethernet devices are found
* fixed chat pane not scrolling to bottom when switching back from other pane after new message arrived
* added message when a new device is added for remote a XBSlink node
* always forward data packets from previously discovered local devices
* added new node_list to main view
* added background colors in Info pane: red background = no devices are known for node, green background = data packets have arrived
* fixed packet statistic in status bar
* fixed error message on startup when “forward only special MACs” is enabled
* updated SharpPcap to 3.5.0 (new API!)
* updated PacketDotNet to 0.8.0
* fixed issue #2 : “only forward these devices” option broken when MAC list is empty
* added “only forward special MACs” option. This is basically a security feature making sure no unwanted packets are transmitted by XBSlink that could expose other devices on your network. (v0.8.6.2)
* added error message for linux users if no capture device is found (v0.8.6.2)
* fixed STUN server option was always used on startup (v0.8.6.2)
* fixed annoying bug in STUN code (v0.8.6.0)
* stability improvements (yeah, damn null pointers…*lol*) (v0.8.6.0)
* option to start WinPCap from XBSlink if NPF driver not started (v0.8.6.0)
* standard Nickname is now auto-generated (eg. Anonymous7259) (v0.8.6.0)
* switched to VS2010 (v0.8.6.0)
* switched to .NET 3.5 (v0.8.6.0)

Official Site: