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Thread: Your Opinion On 9/11-The Fifth Anniversary This Year

  1. #11
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crait
    omg.... you people that say terrorists did this need to realize something
    they didnt do it
    video google "Loose Change"
    watch the movie that is 1 hr and 22 mins long
    it tells you the truth, and shows the proof
    Crait you say watch the movie. Big question for you? Have you any idea of the decades we the USA have spent helping this government. And the money we have shed doing so. What great nations like USA , England , UK do for other doesn't compare for the bad we receive in exchange. Next time before saying we started something please google your self. See the actual beginning of there attacks on us with weren't five or 10 years ago we are talking decades. One think i can say is big sandbox

  2. #12
    PSP User crait's Avatar
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    wtf does that mean
    i could barely make that out

    i think you think im from canada or something, not that thats bad
    i live in the usa
    i know what happened
    and my name isnt Crait, its crait
    that really grinds my gears!

    seariously though
    im not saying we started it
    im saying the us gov is spending more then its getting
    so, they pull off something like they did about 5 years ago
    badda boom badda bang, they get at least 50 million from this
    i think it was something like 200 million, but i forgot

    im not saying the government or the people of the best country in the world is bad
    im saying what they, the gov., did was wrong

  3. #13
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones on that day,that said here's my two cents:

    First,anybody around here read BEHOLD A PALE HORSE if not go read it!
    The author William Cooper was shot in his home two months after 9/11.

    Anybody read 1984?You should have,we're on our way there.
    The facts in the whole 9/11 thing do not add up, for many reasons.
    Things are not always as cut and dry as people may think.There are a lot of variables that led up to this.I kinda have to bite my tongue somewhat when speaking about this but I am well read on the subject.

    Another thing people should be aware off:
    Who is/was a major producer of heroin? Here's a hint: America's troops are there right now.
    What was the China trade and how did it lead up to the Boxer rebellion in China?
    Who are the Skull&Crossbones and what was their involvement in the China Trade and the Boxer Rebellion?
    Where are most CIA members recruited from and why are they called spooks?
    What is George Bush ancestors involement with all of the above mention subjects as well as the Nazi party?
    Why was a newsletter circulated in the middle east prior to 9/11 that showed a drawing of planes hitting the twin towers and why were we not warned?
    Why were state/city officials of NewYork told not to fly on that day?
    Why was building #7 demolished on the spot without permits and further endangering the citizens,controlled demolition that is?

    Guy's no one should rely on what controlled media sources tell us!

    A dangerous state is being cultivated in America,we are being prepped up for martial law under the threat of a terrorist being in the U.S. with a suitcase nuke or dirty bomb.
    Whether or not the threat is real this will be the excuse for martial law and the loss of our rights.The threat is probably real though.The military calls it collateral damage

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