news via nmax

hamachi-mp 32 Propose the release of " Homebrew Filter " a clone of the Homebrew Channel


- Homebrew filter only available on a Channel Installer
- Languages ​​must now be downloaded separately as fonts and themes
- Fixed bug when sorting by SD and USB
- Settings are stored in the NAND
- Clear the settings is possible using the data management

rev31 Beta:

- NTFS support
- Support für Gamecube-Homebrew ( Ordner "gc_apps" )
- Last used device is stored (SD / USB)
- Function for the alphabetical order in one category (key 1)
- Move applications by holding down B button
- Slightly revised GUI (Menu and password)
- Simultaneous display of programs on SD and USB
- Config stored on SD or USB

- Fixed error in the navigation when theme download
- Languages ​​Revision
- Japanese added (thanks to KM (能 美 凉子))
- Download and selection of fonts available
Download Here