On last week's Mailbox we featured Mark Montgomery, who contacted Xbox World 360 to highlight the problems faced by colour blind gamers.

This week Niall McLarney e-mailed in to say he thinks the party chat feature on Xbox Live may have had a negative impact on the overall Xbox Live experience.

Don't forget, to be in with a chance of having your letter featured on CVG's Mailbox, drop us a line.

"Hello, anybody there?" (No answer.)

Hello? Has anybody got a mic? This is a team deathmatch, communication would help..." This is Xbox Live for most games played online.

I miss the days of Gears Of War and Saints Row where kids would talk about 'your mom' and all the wannabe gangsters on Saints Row. It's a lonely affair online now as most people are in Party Chat.

Don't get me wrong, I like Party Chat as you can talk to one or more person, and I know a lot of people in team-based games are in Party Chat as they're in clans - but there's no banter or abuse in between games any more, which I miss.

I doubt I'm the only one but not everybody is in a party on Black Ops and if you're not in a party chat you find yourself running around on a battlefield talking to yourself.

I know Xbox Live has moved on - and some say forward - but I feel the total online experience has suffered because of this... but I suppose I'll just have to get over it.

XBW says: Don't knock Party Chat, Niall - it's a priceless refuge we've turned to many an evening to chat to sociable players and avoid racists and homophobes.

A bit of banter every now and then is fine, of course, but unfortunately not enough people know where the line is.

Although certain team modes may suffer, the Party Chat option is a very good thing for gaming - and if you endeavour to find a squad of like-minded gamers with whom you can organize deathmatch sessions, you may well come to agree.

CVG says: We understand what you're getting at Niall but you may be on your own on this one.

The number of racist, homophobic, sexist mouth-breathers on Xbox Live heavily outweigh those willing to interact, co-ordinate and play without being offensive. Which is very unfortunate.

Fortunately it's easy to switch between party and public chat, so just when we've regained our faith in humanity and our fellow gamers we can jump into the public chat, have it utterly shattered and head back to our comfort zone.
