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Team FSD released a new W.I.P. build of FreeStyle Dash v2.0, the alternative dashboard for homebrew/JTAG 360s.
Today they released RC1.8, available as independent download or if you already have FSD2 you can use the build-in updater.

The time has come! Support has been added for an optional connection with By registering at this website and linking your FSD settings with that account, you will be able to browse the growing list of covers for all content types on the PC with an option to install them directly onto your xbox.

Depending on your xbox settings, the next time you bootup FSD, or at the next polling time, your Cover art will update before your eyes. Not only is this a good way to get custom artwork and share your creations, but it also a solution for quickly providing standard artwork for your artwork challenged homebrew and xbox 1 collection!

Please continue to grow and support as this will benefit everyone.

-When pushing homebrew artwork to your xbox 360- on the website, you will need to enter the name of the homebrew app as the path your app is installed. For instance, if you have xm360 located at hdd1:\Applications\Xm360\default.xex you need to place xm360 in the field when prompted at the website. (not case sensitive)
-We would like to thank top contributers to the website thus far:
Trajik, JPizzle, ETB, mLoaD, GoodfellaKeyser, Gromber
And eveyrone else who has uploaded custom/original box art!

**** COVER ART *****
(Updated) Cover auto update from Site
(Added) Custom Cover Content Settings
(added) Push covers from site to Xbox 360.
(Upadated) Scene for Custom Covers Settings.
(Fixed) Cover Uploading Edit Boxes in Settings

**** XLINK KAI *****
(Recoded) ArenaManager Code Base
(Recoded) XlinkKaiArenaList class
(Recoded) XlinkKaiChatPlayerList Class
(Recoded) XlinkKaiChat Class
(Recoded) Xlink Kai ChatManager Class
(Recoded) XlinkPlayerList Class
(Recoded) CKaiPlayer Vectors
(Recoded) XlinkKaiBuddyList Class
(Recoded) Buddy Manager Class
(Recoded) Arena Mode Chat
(Recoded) KaiPlayer Class
(Recoded) ScnXlinkPlayerInfo
(Fixed) Xlink Kai Login Freeze
(Fixed) Xlink Kai Arena Icons not downloading ( consequently clogging HTTP Downloader Queue )
(Fixed) Crash when deleting a kai buddy from your buddy list
(Fixed) Kai Content Vector Reading
(Updated) the way kai invites work ( hopefully more stable)
(Updated) the way kai private messages work (hopefully more stable)
(Updated) the way entering kai private rooms works (hopefully more stable)
(Added) Xlink Kai Support for Xbox 1 Games in FSD

**** MISC UPDATES ****
(Fixed) Missing Screenshot Downloading from Marketplace Scan
(Fixed) FTP "CD .." command for exiso / rarto360
(Fixed) Issue where game info wouldn't reset if you empty a blank favorites list
(Fixed) TitleUpdates Accessing Issues - Improved Stability
(Added) Filter to remove xbox from list of samba servers in the File Manager smb: folder
(Added) SubCaption to menus to help signify being in a favorites menu
(Added) Ability for FSD to fetch the # of samba clients connected to the server
(Added) Samba Server Status To Status Bar
(Added) Xlink Kai Connection Status To Status Bar

(Updated) Database links for multidisc GOD support
(Added) Plugin Support For GOD/NXE games in FSDPlugin (thanks to [cOz])
Official Site: (#FreeStyleDash on EFnet)