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PSN US’s recent changes (around March 20, 2011) have made PSN US account support in Spark Trophies all but useless. Because trophy data is now in the form of images, Spark Trophies must make several round-trips to the server to pull trophy counts from your account. This is most dramatically noticeable when viewing the friends list – the original (pre-March 21st) implementation made n+1 roundtrips to gather friend information (1 for the full friend list, 1 for detailed data on each friend). Now it must make n*2 + 1 (one for the full friend list, two for each friend, one to pull status information, one to pull trophy data).
So with that in mind, I’d like to refer you to PSN’s considerably more competently designed European server, which requires a single trip to pull your Friends list statistics. As of right now, I no longer recommend using the US server; although if you’ve never used before, you may have to migrate your web account first (if you’re a US user, this is a one-time deal, and you can do this easily by logging on to Once your account has been migrated, delete your account in Trophies, and re-add it, using PSN EU in the Server Region selection. As an added bonus, you will also be able to see the last time your friends signed on.