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Thread: Whats the Worse Game Ever?

  1. #111
    DCEmu Rookie Tron_Fan's Avatar
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    Man, I have played some serious stinkers over the years, but the one that absolutely STICKS in my mind is an X-Box game called "Pulse Racers". It was just AWFUL.

    Some others I hated:

    * Star Wars Rebel Assault II (PSOne)
    * Microcosm (Sega CD)
    * Summoner (PS2)

    I'm sure there's more that I just blocked out.

  2. #112
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Magic: Battlegrounds

  3. #113
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    yugioh dungeon dice monsters was pretty bad

  4. #114
    DCEmu Rookie crackkills's Avatar
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    the worst games ever i would have to saybarbie riding adventure for the gameboy advance.(I AM A GUY OK, MY SISTER WANTED ME TO GET HER PAST SOMETHING)

  5. #115
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by havoc_012
    You just dissed rez, crazy taxi, and code veronica.

    But while were on the subject of DC both sonic adventure games suck. Well the first stage in Sonic Adventure 1 is cool, but after that the game blows. Controls, camera, voice acting, fishing, you name it. Its like a popuri of suck. Especially if your part of the 90's generation. Then you can double its suckitude.

    And to think the new generation will grow up with "that sonic."

    Then sega did something unimaginable. They made it worse...

    Shadow the hedgehog gets my vote. It has guns, and cars. WTF? Sonic and all sonic clones should run. Really fast. Not drive. And certianly not shoot guns.
    Take it easy there DC fanboy, No need to be hyper critical about my comment....Shadow does suck. Rez and Crazy Taxi are okay, but not spectacular IMO. Sorry I had to edit and explain why R.E. Code Veronica sucked THE CONTROLS...The crappy R.C. car controls...Phooey! Sorry last edit to apologize for calling you a fanboy....and the word "suckitude" is awesome!!! And I am not a 90's gen!!

  6. #116
    DCEmu Newbie doof69's Avatar
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    SIMS sucks balls. I hate it, so boring and pointless

    actually almost anything from EA sucks balls

  7. #117
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by kcajblue
    Zero Wing had the worst translation.
    No. Unless by "worst," you mean "best."

    As for E.T., I've never actually played it, but there was a review on GameSpot that actually convinced me that it's not really all that bad of a game (if you take the time to master it). The programmers (who at the time were very esteemed - I believe one of them programmed Yar's Revenge, for one) were rushed, but they did the best they could in the timeframe they were given, and they were fairly proud of the end result, until it tanked. Also, E.T. certainly didn't cause the industry crash: the industry caused its own crash through bad business decisions and irrational exuberance. The game is often cited as a contributing factor, but that's not all the fault of the game itself. Atari was convinced they were going to sell millions of the thing (and they made a lot of similarly bad production line decisions with other games).

    I'm putting in a vote for Big Rigs. I haven't actually played it, but seeing video of the game in action was enough.
    The box of Big Rigs grandiosely proclaims that the player may "[r]ace trucks across the country, with cops chasing [him or her]." GameSpot considered this description of the game to be nothing more than "terrible, horrible lies" [1] there are, in fact, no "cops" at all in the game. In addition, no proper racing occurs in Big Rigs, as the computer-controlled opponent does not actually move. The player may simply guide the truck through the checkpoints and to the finish in order to achieve victory.

    There are no true obstacles for the player to negotiate in Big Rigs, as the truck may freely be driven on and off roads without any loss of traction, straight up the steepest of hills, through structures, and even out of the map's boundaries, all without any reciprocal change in speed. The truck falls through bridges as if they do not even exist, but this does not present a problem for the player because the truck is capable of driving on water at the same speed it does on land. In addition, when the player's truck is put into reverse, it has no terminal velocity; so long as the reverse key is held, the truck will accelerate indefinitely. It is even possible, after several minutes of acceleration in this manner, for the speedometer to reach many thousands of times the speed of light. However, as soon as the reverse key is released, no matter what speed the truck is travelling at, it will halt instantly. Indeed, the actual acceleration of the truck increases over time, along with its speed. Put simply, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing largely ignores the laws of physics.

  8. #118
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    I always check Gamespot before I buy games, so I love all of mine!

  9. #119
    DCEmu Old Pro BL4Z3D247's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RetroGoth
    E.T. for the atari 2600 or superman 64 horrible games ummm also lets put home alone for the nes in the list
    haha awww c'mon Home Alone was fun the first time i played it(long time ago)...but i guess now(after just playing it again for about 1 min. ) it's not so good lol

  10. #120
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Etrom: The Astral Essence

    One big bag of crap.

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