
If it’s the first time you’ve heard of it: Wagic is an Heroic-Fantasy card game. It is available in 8 languages, and runs on the PSP, Windows, Linux, and Maemo (and on iPad/iOS for those who are brave enough to compile it). More info on the Download Page
I haven’t talked about Wagic in a while. This week, as I browsed the Wagic forums, I saw this gorgeous theme made by ZirRuSH.
One of its particularities is that the Theme ships with a “Customize” folder, that allows you to change the backdrops, icons, fonts, card backs, etc… It’s a DYI Theme, in a way . But pictures are worth a thousand words, so enjoy these screenshots.


You can download this theme, as well as many others, on the Wagic forums. Use the opportunity to give feedback to the author
There’s more

Solo campaigns, themes and hundreds of new cards are added regularly on the Wagic forums. Although we try to keep the “official” releases of Wagic in a “Vanilla” state, keep in mind that the community is hard at work to let you customize the game as much as you want. Meanwhile, we’re actively working on the next release (Wagic 0.15), and trust me, it will be good