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After changing the memory size VFlash hard disk of the PS3 Slim and having installed Gentoo Linux distribution changed over, Graf-chokolo German developer gives his first impressions on the operation of Linux on the internal HDD of the PS3.

"Gentoo is now embarking on a PS3 Slim since VFlash is really fast, warm-boot with kexec works well, I can restart my Gentoo with kexec without turning off the PS3." ( )

When asked the question of an ETA for the arrival of the otheros 3.55 for users lambdas, Graf-Chokolo said:

"Difficult to answer, it depends not only me but also other people who help me to test my work on their PS3, I have to adjust the kexec, then I must make a netinstall with my Debian-kernel, not bad much remains to be done "

Graf also plans to make a tool available to all users to enable everyone to easily install Linux and its back their impressions.

With these words he is arguably the project's dual-boot with Linux GameOS is on track to allow a resurgence of the joys of open source on PS3 CFW 3.55.