E-tailer lists RPG add-on, then swiftly removes it - but not before it was spotted

An e-tailer may have let a small cat out the bag on a forthcoming expansion pack for Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

According to a report on GameSpot, a listing for Knights of the White Stallion for the PC version of the RPG appeared on GameStop within the last 24 hours. Priced $19.99, the expansion had a November 21 release date attached to it. However, the listing was apparently removed shortly after GameSpot fired a query on the expansion off to Bethesda.

It would appear then - and here we're don our good old hat of speculation - that Bethesda had a quiet word with GameStop and asked politely that the listing be taken down. But whether that would be down to total inaccuracy on the e-tailer's part or the developer conducting a damage control exercise, we don't know.

It is, though, highly likely that an expansion for the RPG is in the works, although if we saw one released on November 21 we'd eat our chainmail vambraces. All we can do is wait and see if Knights of the White Stallion is indeed mounting up and riding into Oblivion in the future.